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Free Social Media Images for February

We’ve created four ready to use real estate social media images. Use these by themselves, or better yet, pair them with your own posts about new listings, solds, testimonials, virtual tours, and community reviews.

To use, simply right click the image and save as. Below each image we have a suggested caption you can also copy.

Caption: Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, I promise to treat you to service you’ll love. For professional real estate assistance from someone that knows your area and understands the current market, give me a call today! Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Caption: What do you love most about your home? Is it a specific room? A particularly comfy piece of furniture? Do have a luscious backyard, or a kitchen layout perfect for entertaining? Tell me in the comments below!

Caption: Let me help you write the next chapter in a new home. Contact me today to discuss your real estate dreams.

Caption: Why hire a real estate agent? 1. We know what to do with ALL the paperwork. 2. We know how to price a home effectively and how to make competitive but fair offers. 3. We know how to negotiate and act as a buffer between all parties. 4. Because of our experience, we know how to handle unique situations and overcome inevitable obstacles. 5. We stay up to date on our training and education. We fully understand the complexities of real estate, and then break it down for our clients.

Looking for a content ready postcard? Check out our online real estate postcard catalog