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Is it time to increase your marketing efforts?

It's time to increase your marketing efforts

As the real estate market shifts, many real estate agents are realizing they need to increase their marketing efforts and go back to the marketing practices and strategies they used pre pandemic.

Of course, most agents still in business have been doing some sort of marketing the past two years. But its time to step up your game. Properties will need to be advertised with open houses, flyers, direct mail postcards, social media posts, video and email. You’ll need to market yourself and your services better with door knocking, farming, asking for referrals, and networking in person and online.

We want to help you get the ball rolling. Below is a simple checklist to get you thinking about things you need to update, purchase or create in order to be successful in this new real estate market.

  • Update your listing presentation. Make sure you have a digital and printed version.
  • Make sure you have enough business cards. If you’re down to 50 or less, its probably time to reorder.
  • Check your yard signs and open house signs. Are they in good condition? Do you have enough hardware for all of them? Is the contact information correct?
  • Go through your contact lists. Ask your title company for an updated farm or target list. Check in with old clients and ask if they have changed their contact info recently. Go through your mailing and email lists and take off old contacts that haven’t been responsive.
  • Have you been collecting testimonials? Go back to everyone you’ve helped this year and get a testimonial, either written or on video, that you can use in your marketing.
  • Do a brand audit. Do you still like your logo? Your colors? Does your brand reflect your companies values? Is it relevant to the audience you serve?
  • Check your video equipment. Video as a marketing strategy boomed during the pandemic and it is isn’t going away. If you are just beginning, or if you just like to keep things simple, all you need is a smart phone, tripod, ring light and a mic.
  • Create social media templates. Social media marketing is so much easier if you have some branded templates that you can easily update for new properties and information.

If you need help with any of the items above, we’d love to be of assistance. Give us a call at 949-587-5301 or email and let us know how we can help you start marketing again!